The Purpose

hm ieh kwj jgq mo Awey ]
Drm hyq gurdyv pTwey ]
The objective of my coming to this world is dharma and the Guru (Almighty) has sent me for this purpose.
jhW qhW qum Drm ibQwro ]
dust doKIAin pkir pCwro ]42]

Almighty asked me to spread Dharma, and vanquish the tyrants and evil-minded persons. 42. 

(Sri Dasam Granth – Bachittar Natak

The Mission

XwhI kwj Drw hm jnmM ]
smJ lyhu swDU sB mnmM ]
For this very purpose I have taken birth. O Saints, this much you should understand well.
Drm clwvn sMq aubwrn ]
dust sBn ko mUl aupwirn ]43]

I am born to spread religion, emancipate the saints and to wipe out the whole lot of wicked ones 43.

(Sri Dasam Granth – Bachittar Natak)

ਦਸਮ ਗਰੰਥ ਸਹਬ :੧੩੮

ijn kI jwq brn kul mwhI [
srdwrI nw BhI kdwhI,
iqn hI ko srdwr bnwau [
qbY goibMd isMG nwm khwau [

Those who do not belong to respected social class whose ancestors had never been the landlords, I shall bless them with sovereign. Only then shall I call myself as Gobind Singh

Aim of Vaisakhi

  • To maintain the distinguished form.
  • To earn respect by living a honest life.
  • Strong & Confident yet humble.
  • Live an explanatory life.
  • Stand against injustice and protect the meek.
  • Serve selflessly.
  • To adhere to the teachings of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
  • Never to give up in a defeat to KAAM (Lust), KAROD (Anger),
    LOBH (Greed), MOH (Attachment) & AHANKAR (Ego)
  • Uphold NAAM (Recite Waheguru at all times), DAAN (To
    serve fellow Gursikhs & do Charity) & ISHNAAN ( To keep the
    mind pure from all the quest of desires & keep body clean
    from physical sins)

1699 Vaisakhi

One day before Vesakhi

Sri Guru Gobind Singh told Bhai Mani Ram (Bhai
Mani Singh) and Bhai Chaupat Rai (Bhai Chaupa
Singh) to make the necessary arrangements

1699 Vaisakhi

One day before Vesakhi

Sri Guru Gobind Singh told Bhai Mani Ram (Bhai Mani Singh) and Bhai Chaupat Rai (Bhai Chaupa Singh) to make the necessary arrangements

Test of Sikhi

Rababi did Asa Di Vaar kirtan, Bhai Mani Ram Jibdid Katha of one shabad of Sri Aad Granth.
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji stood up with unsheathed sword and said in a loud voice, 

‘Dear Sikh, I need a Sikh’s head immediately without any delay’. Guru Ji repeated for three times. 

Bhai Daya Ram a Sobti Khetri from Sialkot stood and offered his head with an apology for the delay in offering himself. Guru Ji held Bhai Daya Ram by his right arm and took him into the tent. Soon after a sound of slashing sword was heard with drop sound by the audience followed by a trail of blood flowing from the tent.

The same was repeated for another four times and sequentially four Sikhs offered their head namely;

  • Dharam Chand, a Jatt from Hastinapur (Delhi)
  • Himmat Chand Mehra from Jagannath
  • Mohkam Chand Chipa from Dwarka
  • Sahib Chand Nayi from Bida


Thereafter all five were ordered to have hair bath, their body adorn with weapons and 5 Kakkar were given.
● Their heads were decorated with turbans.
● Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji was in the same attire.
● Guru ji with all the 5 Sikh came on the same stage again.
● Guru Ji said. ‘During the final test conducted by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, only Lehna Ji succeeded. Guru Nanak Dev Ji hugged Bhai Lehna and made him his limb, Angad. Now as all have seen we have 5 braveheart who have succeeded in this test. I hereby declare
them as Panj Pyare (Five beloved ones). Their names shall be remembered till there is the sun, moon and sky’.

The Honour

Guru Ji continued, ‘Bhai Sikho, the Sanggat shall utter their names during Ardaas in the morning and evening. 

Whenever Karah Persad is offered their portion shall be taken out after mine (this why we take the portion our for 5 Pyare after Bhog with a kirpan)

The preparation of the Amrit

Guru Ji looked at Bhai Chopat Rai and said, ‘Sikha, take this vessel of Charan Phul and replace it with the clean water of Satluj River, bring the vessel filled with water in order for me to prepare the Khanda-di-pahul’.

  • Guru ji then instructed Diwan Dharam Chand, ‘get a grindstone (Kunda) and iron cauldron and a Khanda (double-edge sword)’.
  • Guru Ji the placed the cauldron on the grindstone and filled with satluj river’s water.
  • Guru Ji was in ‘Bir Asan’ (Warrior Stance) and the 5 pyare were standing before Guru Ji looking into cauldron.
  • Guru Ji then started stirring the water in the cauldron with Khanda in His right hand, he recited Sri Jap Ji Sahib,

Mata Jito Ji ask Bhai Kirpa Ram on the proceedings of Guru Ji. Bhai Kirpa Ram said, Mata Ji, Guru Ji is preparing Khanda-Di-pahul for the Sikhs. 

Mata ji went into lovelorn state and immediately gathered Patase (sugar bubbles) in a cloth. 

She came to the darbar sahib and placed the sugar into the cauldron after prostrating before Guru Ji

mwr ky jIvwry gur Awny hY dIvwn Qwn, pyK ky prIKw lgy sB qb JUrny[
siqgur DIr deI qum ko BI sIs lyihM, isKI iqKI KMfy Dwr hovY BrpUrny[
AimRq bxwie pRBu siqluj nIr pwieAw, srb loh bwtw KMfw lIAw suK mUrny[
AjIq kOr mwq qb Awxky pqwsy pwey, icVI icVw juD kIn j`g mShUr ny]75]

After beheading the five (5) in sequential manner, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji resurrected them and brought them along with Him before the congregation. Everyone sitting in the crowd were regreting for not offering their head to the Guru. Guru Ji calmed them by saying that you all will also be given the opportunity to offer the same as the path of Sikhi is sharper then of a double-edged sword but it is definitely fulfilling.
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the cause of all happiness, then started to prepare Amrit (Nectar) in a large pure-iron bowl by pouring water from Satluj River and held a Khanda firmly in His hand. Mata Ajeet Kaur then came and added sugar as the famous narration of a bird pair who fiercely fought with each other a”er licking a drop of Amrit. (Ref: Gurmukh Perkash-Sant Gyani Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwale).

Guru Ji did not even look as he was focused in concentration on the water in the cauldron while reciting Sri Jap Ji sahib. Guru Ji then recited Sri Jaap Sahib, Swaiye, Benti Chaupai and Anand Sahib. Upon completion of the 5 Bani, Guru Ji stood and performed an Ardaas and said ‘Tere Bhane Sarbat Da Bhalla’ followed by Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh and concluded with a Jaikara ‘Bole So Nihaal, Sat Sri Akaal’.